Dependent people

SOM Care's solution and robots are used in…

Home care services

Advanced remote assistance

Social health centers

Dependency Prevention Services

Promoting the autonomy of dependent people

Giving instructions to perform certain activities

Day-to-day reminders

Helps in medication adherence

Facilitate social interactions and social inclusion

Exercises to stimulate cognitive skills

Fitness Tracking

Beneficiaries and use cases

Healthcare professionals

  • Communicate with the person through the robot at any time and in an easy way.
  • Personalized monitoring of the physical and emotional state, adapted to the needs of each patient.
  • Know in a preventive way how the person feels and be able to act proactively.

Beneficiaries and use cases

Professional caregivers

  • Access the updated history of actions of the attended person at any time.
  • Receive notifications about changes in the planning of assigned tasks.
  • Delegate follow-up tasks to the robot and be able to dedicate more time to people who require more attention.

Beneficiaries and use cases


  • Receive alerts if the person needs help at a given time.
  • Be informed about the person’s health status.
  • Gain tranquility and well-being.